One of the factors that cause environmental damage to this day still remains a "homework" for the nation of Indonesia is a factor of plastic waste disposal. Plastic bag litter has become a dangerous and difficult to manage.It may take tens or even hundreds of years to make the former garbage bag really broken down. But the problem is the negative impact of plastic waste were functioning well.So if you know of any danger caused by plastic bags for the environment?It took 1000 years for plastic to decompose by soil decomposed or broken down completely. This is a very long time. When biodegradable, plastic particles will contaminate soil and groundwater.
If burned, plastic trash will produce toxic fumes that are harmful to health that is if the process is not perfect pembakaranya, the plastic will break down in the air as dioxin. These compounds are highly dangerous if inhaled human. The impact among others lead to cancer, hepatitis, swelling of the liver, nervous system disorders and trigger depression.Plastic bags also cause flooding, due to clogging of water channels, embankments. Thus resulting in even the worst flood damage to the turbine reservoir.
An estimated, 500 million to one billion plastic bags used worldwide each year. If the waste is spread then, can membukus the earth's surface at least up to 10 times! Try to imagine so fantastic plastic trash that has been too high on our earth. And do you know? Every year, about 500 billion - 1 trillion plastic bags are used worldwide. It is estimated that each person spends 170 plastic bags each year (multiply by the number of people your town!)More than 17 billion plastic bags given out free by supermarkets throughout the world each year. Plastic bags began to bloom in use since the entry of supermarkets in big cities.Plastic waste can cause climate change?Since the production process until the stage of disposal, waste plastic emit greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Plastics production activities require about 12 million barrels of oil and 14 million trees annually. The production process is not energy efficient. At the stage of land disposal in landfill (landfill), waste plastic greenhouse gas issue.So, what's the solution overcome the garbage bags?Various efforts to suppress the use of plastic bags have been undertaken by several countries. One of them with campaign efforts to prevent global warming. Garbage bags of plastics has become a serious enemy to the preservation of the environment. If the former garbage bags left on the ground, he will become a significant pollutant. When burned, the waste would significantly increase the levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
What should we do?Reduce use of plastic bags right now and use cloth bags every time you shop. If you only buy a little, put the groceries into the bag. Remind the person's house or your friends to always carry a cloth bag when shopping. Contact supermarkets, malls and bookstores subscription you to stop providing plastic bags.But as a member of the Board of Experts expressed the Board of Forestry and environmental watchdog Tatar Sunda (DPLKTS) Sobirin, processing of waste into the best solution. If the household or the smallest communities in the environment have not been able to cultivate it, recycled, then sorting the best small steps.Regardless of the effort and the effort, according to my personal opinion it will die back to individuals each. And consciousness left, walking determine whether or not the steps that have been recommended.When the various countries began banning and respond to the dangers of using plastic bags, such as in Kenya and Uganda had even officially banned the use of plastic bags. A number of countries began to reduce the use of plastic bags including the Philippines, Australia, Hongkong, Taiwan, Ireland, Scotland, France, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, Tanzania, Bangladesh, and South Africa. Singapore, from April 2007 ongoing campaign to "Bring Your Own Bag '(bring your own bag directly), held by The National Environment Agency (NEA). And the Chinese Government has also issued draft legislation (Bill) overcome a plastic bag. And reactions that have been prepared, among others, the prohibition of the use of plastic bags in the Department Store.Para buyer will be charged a fee for plastic bags and will be enforced standardization of the production of plastic bags.Meanwhile, what about Indonesia itself? The Government has not actually make policy. Recognizing the current condition of Indonesia that the Be inspired from a variety of information regarding the prohibition of the use of plastic bags from various countries. Environmental Engineering student (HMTL) ITB since last month began running a campaign to 'hostile' plastic bags, such as those conducted by the State of Singapore.HMTL attempt to build a community that is really aware of the dangers of excessive use of plastic. The "Plastic Phobia" which is the final series of the "Anti Plastic Bag Campaign 'or the Campaign to Ban Plastic Bags were marred by" happening art "installation art and the action of Graphic Design students ITB."The spirit of cultural change is necessary to use plastic bags from each individual. This is very positive effort to stop the environmental disaster caused by plastic bags in the future, "says Rector Prof. ITB. Dr. Joko Santoso on the sidelines of the campaign. According to Joko, it is proper care and young people more friendly to the environment, because the younger generation will determine the environmental rescue in the future.So remember, do not burn plastic trash because if waste is burned, toxins are present in the waste will pollute the air including the air we breathe can make us sick. Do not bury waste plastic due to toxins in the waste will seep or seep into the soil and make the water present in the soil will be polluted as well as the surrounding environment. Do not dispose of plastic waste, because the toxins that exist in the trash can pollute the environment around us, living things and our environment will be damaged and the toxins will continue to grow everywhere.
Plastic waste
Jumat, 11 November 2011
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