B3 Waste Teknology

Senin, 07 November 2011

Definition based on the B3 waste BAPEDAL (1995) is any residue (waste) an activity of production processes that contain hazardous and toxic materials (B3) because of the nature (toxicity, flammability, reactivity, and corrosivity) and the concentration or amount which either directly or indirectly can directly damage, pollute the environment or endanger human health.
Based on the source, B3 waste can be classified into:

* Primary sludge, waste that is derived from the sedimentation tank in the initial separation and biomass contains a stable organic compounds and volatile
* Chemical sludge, the waste generated from the process of coagulation and flocculation
* Excess activated sludge, the waste that comes from the activated sludge process with less processing thus contain lots of organic solids in the form of sludge from the process
* Digested sludge, waste that is derived from biological treatment with aerobic and anaerobic digested where the solids / sludge produced is quite stable and contain lots of organic solids.
B3 Wastes characterized by several parameters: total solids residue (TSR), the content of fixed residue (FR), the content of volatile solids (VR), water content (sludge moisture content), the volume of solids, as well as the character or nature of the B3 (toxicity, corrosive properties, combustible nature, the nature of explosive, toxic, and chemical nature and content of chemical compounds).
Example B3 waste is heavy metals such as Al, Cr, Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb, Mn, Hg, and Zn as well as chemicals such as pesticides, cyanide, sulfide, phenol and so on. Cd produced from sewage sludge and certain industrial chemicals while Hg generated from chlor-alkali industry, paint industry, mining, paper industry, as well as the burning of fossil fuels. Pb is produced from the smelting of lead and batteries. Heavy metals in general are toxic even in low concentrations. The full list can be seen in B3 waste PP. 85, 1999: Management of Hazardous and Toxic Waste (B3). Please click the link for a complete list that also includes the official rules of the Government of Indonesia.
Handling or processing of solid waste or sludge B3 can basically be implemented in the unit of industrial activity (on-site treatment) or by a third party (off-site treatment) in industrial waste treatment center. If the processing carried out on-site treatment, to consider the following things:

* The type and characteristics of solid waste that must be known for certain that processing technology can be determined precisely; other than that, the anticipation of the type of waste in the future also be considered
* The amount of waste generated should be sufficient so as to justify the costs to be incurred and also to consider how the amount of waste in the future (1 to 2 years ahead)
* Processing on-site needs to hire permanent (in-house staff) that handles the processing should be considered human resource management
* Applicable legislation and regulations to be issued to anticipate the Government in the future so that the chosen technology can still meet the standards
Processing Technology
There are many methods of B3 waste processing in the industry, three of the most popular of which is the chemical conditioning, solidification / stabilization, and incineration.

1. Chemical Conditioning
One of the B3 waste treatment technology is chemical conditioning. The main purpose of chemical conditioning is:
* Stabilize the organic compounds contained in the mud
* Reduce the volume by reducing the water content in the mud
* Mendestruksi pathogenic organisms
* Use of by-product chemical conditioning process that still has economic value such as methane gas produced in the process of digestion
* Conditioning the mud that are released into the environment are safe and environmentally acceptable

Chemical conditioning consists of several stages as follows:
1. Concentration thickening
This stage aims to reduce the volume of sludge to be treated by increasing the solids content. Tools are commonly used at this stage is gravity thickener and a solid bowl centrifuge. This stage is basically an early stage before the waste is reduced water levels in subsequent stages of de-watering. Although not as popular as gravity thickener and centrifuge, some wastewater treatment unit using the flotation process at this early stage.
2. Treatment, stabilization, and conditioning
This second stage aims to stabilize the organic compounds and destroy pathogens. The process of stabilization can be done through a process of conditioning in chemistry, physics, and biology. Chemical conditioning process takes place with the formation of chemical bonds with colloidal particles. Physical conditioning takes place by way of separating chemical substances and colloids by washing and destruction. Conditioning took place in the presence of biological destruction process with the help of enzymes and oxidation reactions. The processes involved in this stage is lagooning, anaerobic digestion, aerobic digestion, heat treatment, polyelectrolite flocculation, chemical conditioning, and elutriation.
3. De-watering and drying
De-watering and drying aims to eliminate or reduce the water content and simultaneously reducing the volume of sludge. Processes involved in this stage generally is drying and filtration. Common tool used is the drying beds, filter press, centrifuge, vacuum filters, and belt press.
4. Disposal
Disposal is the process of final disposal of B3 waste. Some of the processes that occur before the B3 waste is disposed of pyrolysis, wet oxidation of water, and composting. B3 waste landfills generally are sanitary landfills, crop land, or injection well.
2. Solidification / stabilization
In addition to chemical conditiong, technology, solidification / stabilization can also be applied for wastewater B3. In general, stabilization can be defined as a process waste pencapuran with additional ingredients (additives) with the aim of lowering the rate of migration of contaminants from waste and to reduce the toxicity of such waste. While the compaction process of solidification is defined as a hazardous material by the addition of additives. Both processes are often linked so often considered to have the same meaning. The process of solidification / stabilization based mechanisms can be divided into 6 groups, namely:
1. Macroencapsulation, which is a process in which hazardous materials in the waste matrix structure wrapped in a large
2. Microencapsulation, which is a process that is similar but macroencapsulation pollutants are physically encased in the crystal structure at the microscopic level
3. Precipitation
4. Adsorption, which is a process in which contaminants are electrochemically bonded to the material through the mechanism of adsorption compactor.
5. Absorption, ie solidification process with menyerapkannya pollutants into solid materials
6. Detoxification, the process of converting a toxic compound into other compounds with low toxicity or even disappear altogether

Technology solidikasi / stabilization generally using cement, lime (CaOH2), and thermoplastic materials. The methods applied in the field is the method of in-drum mixing, in-situ mixing, and mixing plant. Regulations regarding the solidification / stabilization is governed by BAPEDAL based Kep-03/BAPEDAL/09/1995 and Kep-04/BAPEDAL/09/1995.
3. Incineration
Combustion technologies (incineration) is an attractive alternative in waste treatment technology. Incineration reduces the volume and mass of waste by about 90% (volume) and 75% (by weight). This technology is actually not the final solution of the solid waste management system because it is basically just moving the waste from the solid form to a form of invisible gas that is invisible to the eye. Incineration process produces energy in the form of heat. However, incineration has several advantages in which most of the B3 waste components and reduced waste can be destroyed quickly. In addition, incineration requires a relatively small area.

Important aspect of the incineration system is the value of the energy content (heating value) of waste. In addition to determining the ability to sustain the process of combustion, heating value also determines the amount of energy that can be obtained from the incineration system. The most common type of incinerator burning solid waste is applied to B3 is the rotary kiln, multiple hearth, fluidized bed, open pit, single chamber, multiple chamber, aqueous waste injection, and starved of water units. Of all these types of incinerators, rotary kiln has the advantage because the tool can process solid waste, liquid, and gas simultaneously.
B3 Waste HandlingHazardous Material ContainerHazardous Material Container
B3 waste must be handled with special treatment given the dangers and risks that may arise if the waste is spread into the environment. This includes the process of packaging, storage, and transportation. B3 packaging waste in accordance with the characteristics of the waste in question. But in general it can be said that packaging of B3 waste must have a good condition, free from rust and leak, and should be made of a material that does not react with the waste stored in them. For waste that is explosive, packaging must be made copies where the inner packaging must be able to hold to the substance does not move and able to withstand the increased pressure from within or from outside of the package. Wastes that are self-reactive and organic peroxides also have special requirements in the packaging. Pembantalan packaging waste types are to be made from materials that are not flammable and did not undergo decomposition (decomposition) when dealing with waste. The number that are packed too limited for a maximum of 50 kg per package, while the waste has a low activity usually can be packed up to 400 kg per package.
B3 waste produced from a production unit in a factory should be kept with the special treatment before being processed at a waste treatment facility. Storage should be done with the system blocks and each block consisting of 2 × 2 packing. Wastes should be placed and should be avoided contact between incompatible wastes. Waste storage building should be made with a waterproof floor, not wavy, and sloped toward the tank with a maximum slope of 1%. Buildings also must be well ventilated, protected from entry of rain water, made without ceiling, and fitted with a lightning rod system. Wastes that are reactive or corrosive require storage building that has an easily removable wall construction to facilitate emergency and made of fire-resistant construction materials and corrosion.
Regarding the transport of waste B3, the Government of Indonesia does not have B3 waste transportation regulations until 2002. However, we can refer to the applicable transport regulations in the United States. The regulation is related to the labeling, character analysis of waste, special packaging, and so on. Requirements to be met if the packaging of which is an accident in which normal transport conditions, no leakage of waste into the environment in significant amounts. In addition, the packaging should have enough quality to not decrease the effectiveness of the packaging during transport. Waste gases are easily terbagak must be equipped with head shields on the packaging as a protector and an additional heat shield to prevent rapid temperature rise. In America also treated special transport routes as well as the obligations of the completeness of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) that exist in every truck and the fire department kebarakan.
Secured LandfillSecured Landfill. Factors hydrogeology, environmental geology, topography, and other factors must be considered to secured landfill is not environmentally damaging. Post-operative monitoring should be done to ensure that water bodies are not contaminated by the B3 waste.
B3 Waste Disposal (Disposal)
Some of the B3 waste that has been processed or not processed with the technology available to end on disposal (disposal). Landfills that are widely used for the B3 waste is landfilled (urug land) and the disposal well (disposal wells). In Indonesia, a detailed regulations concerning land development urug has been regulated by the Environmental Impact Management Agency (BAPEDAL) through Kep-04/BAPEDAL/09/1995.
Landfills for landfill B3 classified into three types, namely: (1) secured landfill double liner, (2) secured landfills single liner, and (3) landfill clay liner and each has specific provisions in accordance with the B3 waste stockpiled.
Starting from the bottom, the bottom of the secured landfill consists of local soil, the base layer, leak detection system, the barrier layer of soil, leachate collection systems and removal (leachate), and the protective layer. For certain cases, above and / or under a system of leachate collection and removal should be coated geomembran. While the cover consisting of soil cover, soil barrier hoods, hoods geomembran, drainage hood lining, and coating the soil to plants and vegetation cover. Secured landfills must be covered with water quality monitoring system in the settlement of land and water around the site to find out if a secured landfill is leaking or not. In addition, the secured landfill site should not be used so as not to pose a risk to humans and the surrounding habitat.Deep Injection WellDeep Well Injection. B3 waste disposal through this method is becoming controversial and still required a comprehensive assessment of the effects that may result. The data show that the manufacture of injection wells in the United States are mostly done in 1965-1974 and almost no new wells constructed after 1980.
Injection well or wells in the (deep well injection) used in the United States as one of the B3 waste disposal site of liquid (liquid hazardous wastes). Disposal of waste into wells in an attempt to B3 waste in geological formations that are well below the earth's surface that has the ability to bind waste, as these formations have the ability to store reserves of oil and gas. The important thing to consider in site selection is strktur geology and hydrogeology and stability of the local area.
A B3 waste injected in a porous formation which are well below the layer containing groundwater. In between these layers must have an impermeable layer such as shale or clay that is thick enough so that the liquid waste can not be migrated. The depth of the well is approximately 0.5 to 2 miles from the ground surface.
Not all types of B3 waste may be disposed of in injection wells as some types of waste can cause disruption and damage to the wells and waste receiver formations. This can be avoided by not including waste that can undergo precipitation, has a solid particle, can form an emulsion, is a strong acid or strong base, is chemically active, and has a density and viscosity lower than the natural fluids in geological formations.
Until now in Indonesia there are no provisions regarding the disposal of B3 waste into deep well (deep well injection). Existing provisions on this subject set by the United States and in the provision disebutkah that:

1. Within 10,000 years, B3 waste must not migrate vertically out of the injection zone or laterally to the intersection with groundwater sources.
2. Before the waste is injected migrate in the direction as mentioned above, the waste has undergone a change higga no longer be hazardous and toxic.

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