Senin, 07 November 2011

Organic waste generated by a household or a head of household (HH) which membered 5 persons (Father, Mother, 2 children and 1 helper) per day to less than 2 kg. If a Neighborhood (RT) consisted of 40 families and a pillar Citizens (RW) consists of 10 RT, it can be calculated how the amount of organic waste that require further management, or so-called "discarded".

To change the mindset that trash we produce our responsibility, and change the habit of throwing garbage into the effort necessary to manage waste that is not easy and requires time and patience.

From experience and learning, Karinda Gardens offers a model for the RT / RW that wants to be independent in the management of organic waste, but for its success required several conditions:
1. They are organized by local community leaders (Chairman of RT / RW), assisted by an executive team (Environment Committee).
2. There are exemplary of community leaders, community leaders, religious leaders who became a role model of local communities.
3. Builds commitment among all citizens, the environment how you want to achieve.
4. There is assistance for ongoing activities, cadre / motivator who have already experienced to assist composting.
5. The composting process is selected which does not cause the smell is the process of fermentation.

Household organic waste is fresh and soft, very easily composted. Composting can be done individually in each home or communally by the Environment Committee of RT / RW.

Composting Individual

Garden Karinda suggest Takakura composting method. If done properly in the process there is no foul odor, not out of the water leachate, and hygienic. Does not require a big place, but should not be subject to rain or direct sunlight.

Laundry basket container can fill 40 L or more commonly known as Basket Takakura, old paint buckets or chlorine (content 25 L), former drummer who cut into 2 parts (content of 100 L), rattan or bamboo basket that contains more than 25 L to maintain compost temperature. Selection of containers depending on the material available, tastes and the number of garbage every day.

Separated organic waste from inorganic trash (this activity is called "garbage sorting") then chopped into a 2 cm x 2 cm to be easily digested compost microbes. To absorb water and add the element carbon, sawn wood powder is added.
Trash containers must be included compost every day (before it became rotten) and stirred until the bottom of the container so as not to muddy at the bottom. Stirring is also meant to include oxygen necessary for respiration of compost microbes.

If the container is full, matured or stabilized compost must first reach a temperature as soil temperature, can only be harvested. Composting begins again with another container, with some compost activator is still hot from the first container.

These semi-finished compost can also be sent to the communal composting to be processed together. Some left in the container to be used as activators.
Residents will get the harvest compost, or buy it at a special price.

Communal Composting

Requires a building without walls, the roof can be of plastic sheeting, leaves chiral, plastic wave, tile and so on depending on funds available. The floor can land, cement or paving blocks. We could call it "Home Composting".

For container composting household organic waste can be made tubs or boxes of bamboo, wood, paving blocks, bricks and so forth. To be able to store heat, the box must have a minimum volume of 500 L or has a length of 75 cm, width 75 cm and height of 1 m. One side must be opened, to spend the dough if the compost once a week behind. The number of boxes depends on the amount of waste to be managed.

It is important that the place is clean and odorless composting foul, waste entering only organic waste only. Residents have to sort their garbage in their homes (comply with the Waste Management Act).
In front of the house there should be no trash, but provided two trash containers for organic and inorganic waste. The officer took it with a waste hauler garbage carts were given bulkhead. Waste-derived organic compost at home.

Next by organic waste chopped manually or by machine enumerator. If using a machine enumerator, so that trash does not remove water and to add the element carbon, is mixed in advance of sawn wood dust. If the enumeration manually, sawdust mixed before entering the composting container. Activators used were the unfinished compost proceeds so that microbial still active.

Dough compost from organic household waste if stirred every day, will mature in about 10-14 days, but must first be stabilized until the temperature becomes like soil temperature, take approximately 2 weeks.
If it should be packed first sieved to separate the rough.

If land is available is quite extensive and quite a lot of trash, composting can be done with an open system that is by Windrow piles are turned and watered every week.

Semi-finished compost is sent by the citizens of compost mixed into the dough that has been aged less than 2 weeks, and will mature together.

Quality Compost

Compost is created through a process of aerobic thermophilic and controlled like this, the quality is "super". Rich in elements that plants need to thrive.
Good quality compost is black, smelling the ground, such as soil texture, moisture 30-40%, acidity neutral. The price could be more than Rp.1000/kg, even Rp.2000/kg. If you want to increase again the price, we can membibit and sell flowers, vegetables and medicinal plants are fertilized with homemade compost.

Executive Team

Formed by the Executive Committee on Environment RT / RW and further required the participation of citizens so that these activities into community-based Waste Management.

Duties and responsibilities of each:
1. Environment Committee:
- Volunteers who care about the environment, have the ability and time.
- Organizes residents in Community-Based Waste Management activities.
- Train and upgrade skills as a motivator and a cadre of executive power is composting.
- Controlling the composting process in order generated compost are eligible.
2. Village Board, Tim and Karang Taruna PKK
- Being a volunteer cadre of environment, as a motivator in Community-Based Waste Management activities.
- The cadre / motivator has been doing composting.
- Teach and mobilize citizens to sort garbage.
- Assistance in the composting process in the household.
3. Composting Executive Officer
- Is a permanent staff who implement the composting process.

Independent Business RT / RW

To realize this waste management unit need to be prepared the proposals prepared by the Executive RT / RW, which contains the requirement of facilities and infrastructure, human resources, training schedules TOT cadre / motivator, prospects for the future. Expected activities of these community-based Waste Management will be independent from the sale of compost and its derivative products (ornamental plants, vegetables, medicinal plants).

Environment to be clean, calm and beautiful, the people maintained their health because waste management is part of living a clean and healthy behaviors (PHBs).

Hopefully this paper can provide inspiration for the board of RT / RW who wants to be independent in taking care of garbage its citizens. Of course, the success rate will be higher if the forces on it (Village Head, Head of Regent / Mayor) and related agencies participate by giving encouragement and appreciation.

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