Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2011

Since the Minister of State for Research and Technology Dr. Kusmayanto Kadiman launching gasohol fuel BE-10 in late January 2005 which is further supported by the rise in world crude oil prices to touch U.S. $ 70/barel, then bioethanol has received wide publicity through print and electronically as well as in el exhibitions held this year.
Reaction of the community is very diverse, ranging from supporting to opposing. More support, partly because people are upset with the increase in fuel prices which is seen to threaten their lives. Tucked hope, may bioethanol canbecome an alternative fuel that is cheaper. The arguments against providing diverse, ranging from nutrient greedy cassava, bioethanol has the potential to become a competitor of foodstuffs that are imported, up to the threats to biodiversity due to monoculture feedstock for ethanol. The automotive enthusiasts take a somewhat different way of reacting, they are willing to travel hundreds of miles to get tens of liters of bioethanol, try it yourself and then provide a report by the tabloids, email or sms.
This paper does not pretend to directly respond to public reaction, but more of an effort to provide input to the community, the members legeslatif and decision makers in government, before the select (or deselect) bioethanol as alternative fuel in the future.
Technical usability of bioethanol as a fuel use of bioethanol as a fuel, in fact the same age as the development of the automotive industry. Ford's first generation (Type T) is a car that uses bioethanol as a fuel. Since the gasoline produced at a low price after World War II, bioethanol excluded because the price is not competitive enough. The oil crisis of the 1970s raised the bioethanol as alternative fuel in the U.S., Brazil and several countries in Asia and Europe.
Bioethanol is a multi-purpose because it is mixed with gasoline in the composition of any positive impact. Mixing of absolute ethanol with gasoline as much as 10% (90%), often called gasohol E-10. Gasohol abbreviation of gasoline (petrol) plus alcohol (bioethanol). Absolute ethanol has the octane number (ON) 117, while the Premium is only 87-88. E-10 gasohol proportionately have 92 or equivalent Pertamax ON. In this composition octan enhancers known as bioethanol (additive) of the most environmentally friendly and in developed countries has shifted the use of Tetra Ethyl Lead (TEL) and Methyl Tertiary Buthyl Ether (MTBE).
Banning MTBE is a hot topic in the discussion of Energy Bill in Congress and the Senate states in the U.S.. Mixing up to 24% can still use conventional gasoline cars. On top of that, it needs a special car that has been widely produced in the U.S. and Brazil. The popular and in demand today are Flexible-Fuel Vehicle (FFV). This kind of "smart car" because it is equipped with sensors and automation panel which can set the machine to use gasoline-bioethanol blend in technical berapapun.Etanol composition (95% ethanol, 5% water) was also used on special cars alcohol in Brazil, although the end- This final overshadowed by FFV car.
AvailabilityBioethanol can be prepared from various types of starchy crops (cassava, corn, grain sorghum, sago), sugar plants (sugar cane, sweet sorghum, beets) and fiber (straw, dung saws, bagasse). All types of raw materials, on the condition of the current price of crude oil production cost competitive against gasoline. For plants starchy and sugary, with an average productivity of 5,000 liters of ethanol / ha per year, all gasoline consumption by 16 million pounds per year (in 2005) can be produced by cultivation of raw materials covering 3.2 million hectares (1, 7% of Indonesia's land area). If in the near future, cellulosic fiber materials (straw and the like) can compete with starch-patian and sugar, the amount of land used to be much less.
The competitiveness of gasolineBioethanol production costs associated with fuel used in their production process. The cost of bioethanol production in Brazil because the cheapest electricity and steam used in the process can be met through the combustion of bagasse, so the production cost of only half the price of gasoline. While in the U.S., because it uses natural gas as process fuel, experience penigkatan production costs because of natural gas also rose with the rise in oil prices. As an illustration, the per-August 30, 2005, when crude oil price of U.S. $ 69.81 / barrel, gasoline prices Rp 6,500, Rp 5600 -/liter and bioethanol, -/liter (assuming 1US $ 1 = 10,000).
Competition of raw materials or improving the welfare of farmers?Without coupled with the intensification and extensification of land, industrial bioethanol will compete directly with the user sugarcane / molasses, cassava, corn and other raw materials. At this critical condition, bioethanol industry is more sensitive to price increases compared to the food industry, because the cost of 1 liter of bioethanol production is almost equal to the price of 1 kg of food industry products. Whereas one liter of ethanol requires 2 kg of raw material equivalent of 2 kg of food industry products. Thus, the bioethanol industry will certainly not compete and seek alternative raw materials are cheaper. In other words, because the raw material needs are great, bioethanol industry can actually act as a buffer of agricultural commodity prices. Farmers do not need to worry about falling prices, food sementaraketahanan be increased due to the abundant production.
Bioethanol industry may be analogous with brooms fish in the pond. With the slow motion, she slid her mouth turned accommodate the remains of other fish food, but when no food left on the surface of the water, moss attached to the wall kolampun eaten.
Positive-negative impact on the environmentProduction of bioethanol from plants and its use in automobile engine will create the balance of carbon dioxide cycle, which means it will reduce the rate of global warming. More complete burning of gasoline when blended bioethanol 10% will improveair quality in cities dense traffic. In Indonesia it is becoming crucial, because the additives lead (TEL) is still used outside Java-Bali. Not cheap to replace TEL additive HOMC (High Octane mogas Component) because the cost of production is very expensive. The experience of many countries shows, bioethanol be the cheapest option.
On the negative side, the production of bioethanol on a large scale could potentially cause a decrease in biodiversity through monoculture following raw material agricultural practices that damage the quality of the land. This is not a new problem and must be addressed together through the application of other agro-industries for sustainable agriculture (sustainable agriculture) are integrated with a system of non bio-waste. Integration of the cultivation of raw materials to bioethanol plants and dairy farms have been shown to reduce investment costs, which can lower the minimum capacity of the plant. In addition, the use of a variety of raw materials also will not have much effect on the initial investment because the process is much simpler than the process of fermentation, distillation and dehydration.
Needs Foreign Investment versus SavingsThere are no strict limits, a minimum number of commercial-scale bioethanol plant. Of 83 fruit bioethanol plant in the U.S., the scale ranged from 2.5 kl / day up to 1,000 kL / day, although it is generally above 100 kL / day. By rough count, every multiple of 10 times its capacity, investment cost is decreased by half. The investment cost of bioethanol refinery capacity of 100 kL / day ranged between USD 2-3 billion per-kiloliternya. With the price of ethanol is calculated the same as gasoline only, the construction of a plant this size would save foreign exchange to import gasoline for 33 000 kL / year x Rp 5450, - / liter or USD 179.85 billion, -.
Rada picture is naughty but seriously how about gasoline subsidy in 2005 is used to build a bioethanol plant? A quarter of our fuel is gasoline. If agreed subsidy for fuel to Rp 89.2 trillion, then the figure of Rp 22.3 trillion with which to build a bioethanol plant 89 fruit @ capacity of 100 kL / day. Bioethanol is produced 2.937 million kL / year or mensubsitusi nearly 20% of gasoline demand in this country with foreign exchange savings of Rp 89.2 trillion! Bioethanol as much as it requires a land area of ​​587,000 hectares of marginal quality of the ordinary to be planted with cassava, sugarcane, sorghum or corn as raw material of bioethanol. Next, please imagine yourself jobs created in the agricultural-rural areas.
The key to commitment and marketPhysical construction of bioethanol plant took two years, so the "dream" at the top if started early in 2006 will produce bioethanol substitute gasoline consumption by nearly 20% in 2008-2009. As a real example, China in 2001 has yet to produce fuel grade ethanol, but with a strong commitment to the Chinese government, without too much into account the market, in 2004 China has managed to produce 2 million kiloliters of fuel grade ethanol per year.
We are on the right momentum to select (or deselect all) to produce bioethanol as a substitute (in part) of gasoline, because the market is in favor of bioethanol. Oil prices may be volatile, but the experience of Brazil and the U.S. prove they were not wrong choice when they went on bioethanol program despite frequent oil prices fell sharply in the period 1970-2000. After all petroleum will be exhausted, so that even volatile, the trend in oil prices will tend to increase.
"Dreams" on the paper above, with a strong commitment with price regulations, etc., may be quite realistic to materialize a quarter or a fifth.
Written by Dr. Ir. M. Yudiarto Arif M. Eng. (Head of Ethanol Technologyand derivatives - Starch Technology Center BPPT) and Ir. Djuma'aliM. Si (reviewers Ethanol BPPT)

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