Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2011

Bioenergy is an alternative energy derived from biological sources. The advantages of this bio-energy utilization is to increase the quality of the environment, promote economic growth, and reduce dependence on fossil fuels.
At present the development of bioenergy has reached the fourth generation that is changing vegoil and biodiesel into gasoline. The first generation bio-energy development is considered less ethical because it competes with food and feed ingredients into vegetable oil, biodiesel, bio-alcohol, biogas, solid biofuels, and syngas. Utilization of outside food and feed materials began in the second generation include using waste, cellulose and plant dedicated to the development of energy (dedicated energy crops), which converts biomass into liquid technology. The third generation is the development of biofuels derived from algae oligae. In addition, the utilization of bioenergy today even has come to the development of aircraft fuel. The Embraer EMB 202 Ipanema is the first plane to fuel ethanol and widely used on agricultural land (agricultural aircraft). Moreover, it has also developed syngas-based timber used as a generator.
In 2005 countries in other parts of South America has produced 16.3 billion liters of ethanol, accounted for 33.3 percent of world production and 42 percent of the production of ethanol is used as fuel. Countries that have been using BE 10 (mixture of 10% ethanol and 90% gasoline), including the U.S., Canada, India, Thailand, China, the Philippines and Japan. Only Brazil has been using BE 20. The existence of current hybrid technology, Brazil no longer just a vehicle that uses gasoline but has put on 20-25% ethanol (E25). From the data acquired, as many as 3 million cars have been operated using 100% ethanol and 6 million cars hybrid tech (flexible-fuels vehicles).
Anticipatory measures have also been made developed countries to face the energy crisis in the future by directing a strategic energy policy to switch from fossil fuels to renewable energy, especially bioenergy. The Australian government regulate the use of biofuels for transport policy, industry and power plants. In the USA, the end of 2005 the U.S. biodiesel production to reach 4 billion gallons and will increase to 8 billion gallons by 2012. In addition, in 2005 the Netherlands also took the policy to import 400 thousand tons of palm oil from Indonesia to be converted into biodiesel. In addition to the above mentioned countries, Indonesia also issued a policy through Presidential Instruction No.1 of 2006, to encourage the Department of Agriculture to supply raw materials and the development of biofuels to reduce dependence on fuel. In 2025, the Indonesian government targets biofeul usage by 5%.
Bioenergy DEVELOPMENT IN INDONESIAUtilization of alternative energy are aggressively promoted these days is not without reason. In 2010, estimated at 23 million kL of gasoline required to meet community needs. But Pertamina is only capable of supplying about 16 Mt of kL / year and tends to a constant, but every year people's needs continue to increase by 10%. As a result, governments are overwhelmed domestic gasoline needs. In addition, the depletion of fossil fuel supplies and carbon emissions is also one of the main driving force.
Based on a review of the Department of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) the latest on the condition of energy in Indonesia. If no new exploration, according to calculations of EMR, the petroleum reserves of about 9.7 barrels and is expected to expire 15 years from now. For our coal reserves of about 50 billion tonnes (3% of world potential) is estimated to be used at least 150 years. For the geothermal reserves of about 27 thousand MW (40% of potential world) and gas 60 years. As for the power of water about 75 thousand MW (0.02% of the potential of the world). If the government does not take the initiative to find renewable materials, then this country will be worse off in terms of energy needs. Energy crisis, particularly fuel oil (BBM) which is induced by rising fuel prices has made Indonesia the world needs to find sources of alternative fuels that may be developed in Indonesia.
Indonesia as one of the tropical countries that have natural resources with huge potential. Agricultural business is a business with huge potential to be developed in Indonesia because Indonesia has the potential of land resources, agro-climate and adequate human resources. Tropical climatic conditions with adequate rainfall, availability of land that is still widespread, and has been the development of production optimization technology can support the feasibility of developing biofuels (bioenergy).
Biofuels are fuels from biological sources (renewable energy). Biofuels, if interpreted to substitute fuel, then the biofuel is one form of energy from biomass in the form of liquid, such as biodiesel, bioethanol and biooil. In Indonesia there are 49 types of plants that can be utilized as an energy source. Some of the plants as a potential producer of bioenergy is the coconut palm, coconut, castor, cotton, canola, and rapeseed for biodiesel, and cassava, sweet potato, sugarcane, sorghum, sago, palm, palm, and palm for bioethanol (Sumaryono 2006) . Besides the potential for producing bioenergy, some commodities, like oil palm, coconut, cotton, cassava, sugar cane, and sago, is also a source of food commodities and feed. Development of food commodities as a source of bioenergy feedstock is seen as less ethical because it competes with food and feed.
In order to diversify energy target by 2025 the next-to increase the share of renewable energy 5% of the total national energy requirements need to be initiated from now. If the current 23 million kL petrol is required then at least 1.15 million kL of bioethanol to be produced. Currently bioethanol produced only reached 187,800 kL / year or only 16% of the target should be. For that Indonesia indeed necessary effort to achieve it. Development of Ethanol as a fuel has been done BBPT with Ethanol Pilot Plant has a capacity of 8000 liters per day with levels of 99%. Only able to produce fuel grade ethanol (FGE) 50 liters / day. One unit of FGE engine with capacity of 60 kilo liters / day requires an investment of around 7.5 million USD. Urgent needs of the community towards a sustainable energy adequacy must be a sufficient consideration for the government in deciding where this nation will hang its energy needs in the future.

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